What motivates supporters to participate in fundraising events?
Back to BlogJoin Wood for Trees Analysts, Kayleigh Philps and Stephen Brown, as they explain the ‘why’ driving your supporters’ motivations and what drives them to take part in fundraising events in an hour-long, live webinar at 11am Tuesday 28th June 2022.
By attending, you’ll learn why people choose to give, how text analysis can help you understand this and the findings from a recent feasibility study looking at sentiment analysis and fundraising events, using new natural language processing techniques to highlight trends in supporter behaviours.
Kayleigh and Stephen will delve into three key philanthropic psychological motivations behind donor behaviour – identity, relational and situational motivations. They’ll then briefly explain how text analysis can be useful in determining these supporter motivations.
They’ll take you through findings of a feasibility study, completed by Wood for Trees in conjunction with the University of Bath and participating charities. New natural language processing techniques were applied to JustGiving fundraising stories to pull out sentiments from free text, from which supporters were scored against to assign motivational drivers.
Following this will be a Q&A session, where you can ask Kayleigh and Stephen questions to learn more about how text analysis can be applied to your supporters to reveal events motivations.
Register for the webinar here and read about the psychology behind donor behaviour in Kayleigh’s blog here. You can also request a free copy of our whitepaper about how text analysis can reveal supporter motivations here.