
October 2022

Key performance indicators (KPIs), both financial and non-financial, are important to track. And a good KPI should tell you something useful. They report the information needed to explain how a charity is performing towards its stated goals.

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January 2022

Everything we write down contains information – surprising amounts of it. Our ideas and the choice of words we use to express them can be interpreted, yielding immense potential value.

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September 2021

When charity and non-profit organisations grow a crucial common thread exists – the need to visualise, process and action data from multiple, disparate systems in a single, all-encompassing view

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June 2021

For fundraising charities, their reliance on legacies is ever growing. It represents 28% of their total voluntary income. As well as being a hugely important source of income right now, legacy income is predicted to soar

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January 2021

In our previous whitepaper, 'Making sure your data is fit for purpose', we discussed the cleanliness of data and how to keep it up-to-date and consented. In this second whitepaper of the series, we discuss the next challenge – transforming data to unlock its value

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November 2020

Why's it so difficult for organisations to get their data standards right? And why do so many CRM migration and digital transformation projects miss deadlines or not live up to promises?

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September 2020

What engagement means is debated across the sector. This paper is intended to serve as a resource to understand its scope and meaning and, more importantly, how you measure it

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